ASCII Art Generators

Sysadmins spend a lot of time playing with command line. Its words, more works, oh look a progression bar, words, fail, error, commands, words… Spice up your scripts a little with some ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) art. I’ve started putting ASCII text in MOTD (message of the day) welcome messages and so on to help me identify which servers I’m working on, but they look cool too.

   _____                       _
  / ____|                     | |
 | (___   __ _ _ __ ___  _ __ | | ___
  \___ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
  ____) | (_| | | | | | | |_) | |  __/
 |_____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|
                        | |

/¯¯¯¯/|¯¯¯|   /¯¯¯/|¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯\'|¯¯¯|        '|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
\____\|___| /     '/_|       ||                ||       | |     '||     |         |      ¯¯|¯
|¯¯¯¯|\  ¯¯\|       _        '||     '|\_/|     '||       |/     / |     | '|¯¯¯'||      '¯¯¯'|
|____|/___/|____| '|____||___|    |___||____|¯¯¯  '|___|/____||_______|

 )\ )                  (
(()/(   )    )         )\  (
 /(_)| /(   (    `  ) ((_)))\
(_)) )(_))  )\  '/(/(  _ /((_)
/ __((_)_ _((_))((_)_\| (_))
\__ Y _` | '  \() '_ \) / -_)
|___|__,_|_|_|_|| .__/|_\___|

I generated these with this Text Ascii Art Generator site. Others let you upload a photo and convert to ASCII, but I can’t say they worked as well as I would have hoped. More likely me uploading poor pictures though.I haven’t tried them all though, here’s another photo to ASCII generator here.

Play around, see how you go. Great time waster for any sysadmin.

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